
6 Ways to Grow Referrals With Email Marketing for Insurance Agents

6 Ways to Grow Referrals With Email Marketing for Insurance Agents

For various reasons, insurance agents and agencies underutilize email marketing for insurance agents. This is also a missed opportunity because insurance agents are well aware that the referrals from their current policyholders are some of their most simple deals to finish. So while you might be pouring money into acquiring new lead lists, distributing direct mail pieces, or even giving out branded items at local events, you already have a treasure trove of referral gold: your existing policyholders.

Even if you already use email marketing, there’s a good chance you’re doing it wrong. Perhaps you’re just blasting emails out according to templates provided by your parent firm. Perhaps you have an automated program that sends out a happy birthday message to everyone on their birthday. Or perhaps you’re just not doing it enough, or at all. Whatever the case could be, there’s always room for improvement.

In a nutshell, email is a one-way direct line of communication with your current and potential clients. Some of the individuals who are thinking about buying from you right now may not be doing so, but when they are, the first name that comes to mind is most likely going on the phone. That’s why email is so effective. People will assist your business development if you stay in touch with those who would offer wonderful referrals (not through annoying email spam). Be helpful, encouraging, and, most importantly, avoid selling.

Consider it this way. Every day, you receive a large number of emails to both your personal and professional addresses. A substantial amount of it is spam, so you never see it (hopefully, that isn’t the case). The rest is either something you need to reply to, concerns that are relevant to your personal or professional life, or items for which you’re only going to check out the first page. The remainder is stuff that might pique your interest but will most likely be trashed.

This is why you need to be cautious about what you put in your email contacts’ inboxes. Here are six strategies for assisting insurance agents in promoting their businesses via email marketing:

help not sell

1. Help, Not Sell

A lot of insurance agents’ emails are about obtaining discounts or the advantages of “bundling” numerous policies, which aren’t what people want to read after a long day at work. People want to be entertained, inspired, and informed. Try to write about things that are related to insurance but not related to selling. These are all things you should think about. What are the neighborhood rules? Where will your family be safest? How can you protect yourself and your possessions from theft or an accident? What items should go into a car emergency kit, and what should you do if you’re in an accident? All of this may appear to be a daunting challenge (which it is), which is why we can help you with it.

use seasons as guide

2. Use Seasons As A Guide

Along similar lines, the seasons are a great place to start when developing your email content. If it’s back-to-school season, talk about discounts in your neighborhood or a smartphone app that helps you keep track of everyone. If it’s winter where you live, discuss how to drive safely on ice and snow. This may also apply to holidays. Make it a point to engage with the material in new and unusual ways. Consider things that pique your interest as something other than work-related reading.

referral contest

3. Run A Referral Contest Through Email

Do not abuse this option, but do reward your customers who suggest you to their friends and family. You might also consider a contest for the customer who sends in the most referrals. You may give them a cash prize or gift card for every referral they send your way to a more practical financial incentive.

referaral content on facebook

4. Run The Referral Content On Facebook

Take it a step further and use your Facebook page to host it. Several applications are available on the market that forces visitors to “like” your page to participate in the contest. Send the letter to your policyholders, asking them to visit your Facebook page to enter. You may also use this opportunity to expand your social media audience and get new business referrals.

be a local expert

5. Be A Local Expert

Your policyholders are most likely all located in the same metropolis where you also reside and work. Several resources are available, including free local newspapers at the supermarket, blogs, and websites dedicated to your city. Find those items and produce a monthly email that highlights 10 of the newest things going on in your region. Assist you in becoming that person people turn to each month for local happenings and information.

consistency 1

6. Be Consistent

Above all, stay consistent. If you send out four emails in two months before going silent, it won’t help you be top of mind regularly. Try to think of a monthly or weekly email schedule that you can maintain, even if it’s something as simple as sending an email on the first day of each month.

People are inundated with content every day, and they only have so much time to devote to their professional and personal lives. Therefore, you need to be thoughtful about what you include in your email marketing to be successful. We hope this article has given you some food for thought.

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