
11 Simple And Effective Email Marketing Strategies For Contractors

You may use a good email marketing strategy to reach out directly to current and potential customers with tailored content right in their inboxes. It’s also a significant difference! For every $1 you invest in email marketing, you get approximately $44.25 in return!

Email marketing has long been recognized as one of the most effective forms of brand promotion, so don’t put it off any longer! We’ll look at why email marketing is beneficial to contractors and suggest how you can start using it immediately. 

Why is email marketing important for contractors?

Construction companies in the construction industry can profit significantly from email marketing. Email marketing has several enormous advantages for construction companies. First and foremost, it allows you to deliver customized, tailored content based on your clients demands and interests. For example, you may classify your clients as such; lead status, demographic data, location, and other information. Then, depending on those requirements and desires, you can send relevant offers. 

Email marketing is usually less expensive than traditional marketing techniques, allowing you to get the most out of your marketing budget. 

Email marketing tips for contractors

Let’s look at some email marketing strategies to help your contractor make the most of their email marketing campaigns. 

1) Compile an email list 

Compile an email list

Before you may send emails, you’ll need to build an email list. Everyone are potential clients, so start with a list of homeowners who contacted you about a home improvement project. Next, add any past customers and homeowners to whom you offered a free estimate. Also, gather all contact forms submitted through your website’s contact form.

You’ve got a solid foundation for your campaign, but the last step is crucial to your company’s reputation: permission. Your first email to your newly formed list should be an announcement of your new occasional email updates, allowing them to opt-out. Consider including a reward for keeping with you and noting periodic coupons to anyone who receives your emails.

OK, now we’ve gotten to the good stuff. You can’t send mass emails to all of these people because that would be spam. Instead, send them a ONE-TIME email asking them to subscribe to your newsletter. Once they consent, you may send them updates.

Also, add an opt-in option to your contact and estimate request forms (“join our newsletter for a special offer”).

Now that you’ve gathered a list of subscribers, it’s time to begin generating your emails.

2) Write exciting subject lines

Write exciting subject lines

If you want people to read your emails, you’ll need to include intriguing subject lines that encourage them to open and read them. This is all users can observe in their inbox; 33% of people said they opened emails simply because of the subject line.

This implies that if you don’t want people to send your emails straight to the trash, you’ll need to develop intriguing subject lines that pique their interest and encourage them to learn more about your construction company and the goods and services it offers.

3) Content is key

Content is key

When producing an email, the most essential consideration is high-quality material. Quality over quantity should always be a principle you follow. It’s better to have a concise message with every word being pure gold than to go on and on about things that may cause a recipient to trash the email before reading due to the amount of content. With the advent of digital marketing and self-proclaimed social media channels, brevity is becoming a lost art. Consider how frequently you delete emails without reading them based on their length. Any marketing plan for contractors should include a strong focus on construction marketing and content marketing.

4) Email marketing campaign

What is the goal of your content? It’s critical to figure this out ahead of time so you can write a message that encourages readers to follow through. Not all actions are direct responses, such as “sign up right now” or “call.” Instead, your intended action should align with where your readers are in their buying journey.

For example, suppose you’re running an email campaign to raise brand awareness and promote your custom home building services. At this point, readers are unaware of you and unconvinced of the value you provide. As a result, an email that merely lists your offerings without a phone number is not a good next step.

Again, your goal is to pique their attention and impress them. You can do so by employing a combination of text, relevant images, and a snappy headline. A blog post about “How to Prepare For a Custom Home Renovation” on your website might catch their attention. So asking them to read the blog (and reminding them to sign up for future blog updates) may be more appropriate!

On the other hand, suppose you’d want to email your existing clients to notify them about your custom-home maintenance services after the job is completed. Inquiring your pleased customers for additional information in this scenario would be an excellent next step.

5) Optimize for Mobile Devices

The most common email client is Gmail, which has a market share of over 50% of all email opens. This implies that your emails must be tailored to mobile devices, such as smartphones. Here are some simple techniques to accomplish this:

  • Use a one-column template
  • Make the call-to-action obvious
  • Increase the font size

If you’re curious about the mobile-friendliness of your emails, send yourself a test and adjust it as necessary before sending it to your new leads.

6) Brand your emails

It’s also critical that you label your emails so that people know where they originated and who sent them.

Make sure the emails you send originate from a well-known business address. For example, you may quickly identify who is sending you emails if you send them from “John.Doe@yourcompany.com.” The more popular your construction company becomes, the more likely that people will click on your messages to discover more about it.

You can also utilize your company’s colors in the email and select photos and graphics appropriate for your brand and the image you want to project.

7) Make email scanning simple

Make email scanning simple.

It would help if you also tried to make your emails simple to read so that readers can spot essential information at a glance. Unfortunately, not everyone has time to read an entire email. This indicates that you must make your messages easy to scan for people to receive your news.

Another way to make your material more interesting is to add images and graphics that support your statements and offer readers an inside look at your firm. This can help them believe in your construction business and make them feel more comfortable with their choice to hire you for their needs.

8) Avoid spam triggers

To keep your emails in people’s inboxes rather than their spam folders, you must avoid spam triggers.

There are a few things you should never do in your emails, such as using all CAPS in the subject line or body of the email and adding too many exclamation points. You should also avoid using excessive amounts of images and graphics and including links to external websites.

The words free, help, deal, win, trial, special offer, and order now may cause spam filters to activate.

This is still a consideration that may influence whether or not your emails go to the spam folder, even though spam filters are becoming more sophisticated and take into account more than just an email’s subject line.

9) Send at the Correct Time

Send at the Correct Time

For optimum impact, you must send your emails at the appropriate moment. You risk being discarded to the trash folder without a second thought if you send them at an inopportune moment.

According to research, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the best days to send. According to the data, two p.m. seems to be a reasonable period. So keep this in mind: Tuesday through Thursday!

Of course, this does not have to indicate that you must be sitting at your computer waiting to send emails. You may also use an automation program to streamline your email marketing process.

There are also several services that allow you to plan your emails, such as MyEmailFX. You may also utilize built-in analytics tools to evaluate important indicators like open and bounce rates.

Automating your digital marketing campaign will allow you to get the most out of your email marketing efforts and increase brand recognition. In addition, even basic Gmail accounts will enable you to schedule transmissions for a later date.

10) Include clear CTAs

Sometimes all you need to do is inform people.

Do you want to encourage your target audience to sign up for your newest e-book? Make a link available in your email and explain how they may obtain it.

It’s also critical to ensure that your call-to-action buttons stand out against the body copy. For example, you might use buttons that link to landing pages and notify visitors what you want them to do when they get there.

Your CTA should be placed in an easily visible spot, such as at the top of your email or near the end. It’s also a good idea to include links that lead back to your website so that more customers can learn more about your company and what you have to offer. If you’re selling products or services online, include links to those pages as well.

11)Encourage more interaction via social media marketing efforts

Are your social networks linked? If they’re already set up, make sure to include social icons in your emails so the target audience can quickly access and link to them. This may assist you in boosting reader interaction, encouraging sharing, and expanding your following by allowing you to increase contact list size.

Make sure the icons are in high-traffic areas, such as the header or footer of your email. You may also include social connections in your text’s body to entice consumers to share specific pieces of information with their friends.


Email marketing can be a powerful tool for contractors, but only if used correctly. By following the tips in this article, you can avoid the common mistakes that many contractors make and set yourself up for success. With some planning and effort, contracting business growth is possible and you can use email to build strong relationships with your potential customers.

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