
A Smile Worthy Guide to Social Media Marketing for Dentists

By 2028 the dental industry is expected to be worth $52.1 billion. There are over 150,000 dentists in the United States alone. And yet, only 24% of dentists feel they’re effectively using social media marketing to grow their business.

If you’re one of the 76% of dentists not using social media to your advantage, this guide is for you. We’re going to show you how social media can be a powerful marketing tool for dentists, and how to use it effectively.

For decades, dentists have relied almost exclusively on reputation and word of mouth marketing to grow their business. But it’s 2022, and your audience is most likely online. In the era of digital marketing, whether you use blogs, video marketing, sponsored social media advertisements, or podcasts to market your practice, you must understand the fundamentals of social media marketing for dentists.

There are many strategies to enhance your ability to attract, retain, and ultimately market to your patients in the same way that there are in any other sector. And for the purpose of this post, we’ll be discussing dentists who need a little more help with their social marketing strategy.

Let’s get started!

Why Does Social Media Marketing Matter For Dentists?

Dentists are just starting to embrace social media marketing, but more of them are recognizing the value of being active on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. What better way to gain a devoted client than to constantly demonstrate them that there’s nothing to be afraid of? In an industry where 15% of the population is quivering in fear, what could be

Dentists find themselves in a somewhat unique position when compared to other businesses. Clothing stores, software companies, restaurants, and various other enterprises must persuade consumers that what they are selling is worth the money – even if it’s something they don’t need. Dentists, on the other hand, do not have to persuade people that they should visit a dentist. Everyone understands that they need to go to the dentist.

The biggest problems that dentists confront are getting prospective patients to remember to make appointments, as well as assisting them in overcoming their dread and anxiety about dental visits.

Finally, it’s all about establishing trust and gaining the patient’s confidence.

The ultimate approach to develop connections with your audience is through dental social media marketing. It means convincing your patients that you can provide a pain-free experience for a dentist.

Patients can be made more at ease before they visit your clinic by utilizing social media. Let clients know they’re in good hands by demonstrating your authority, track record, and industry expertise. Remove the bad connotation of going to the dentist by using fun and humorous social media content. You entice clients to look forward to seeing you by offering your practice a unique personality. It’s all about trust once again.

Remember that you’re not simply selling toothpaste and root canals–you’re also offering a pleasant experience. With a strong social media presence, you have the opportunity to communicate with your patients. Remind them that you’re interested in people rather than teeth.

The Benefits of Social Media for Dentists

Dentists in both big and little cities use advertising to acquire fresh consumers. However, how much of your time and effort are you devoting to social media?

The more technologically advanced the world becomes, the more healthcare organizations see that Facebook, Twitter and Instagram aren’t only for sharing cat pics. They’re a location where businesses discover new consumers, interact with prospects, and improve their brand name. Here are just a few of the ways that a good social media advertising strategy helps dentists:

1. Better Establish Relationships

Many people find going to the dentist to be an anxiety-provoking experience. In fact, some individuals are so frightened that they avoid going to their appointments. It’s no surprise that marketing for this scenario is difficult, equivalent to pulling teeth.

Fortunately, social media plays and important role as it allows you to develop connections with your audience through client testimonials, client experiences, pleasant office photos, and most importantly, the outcomes of your efforts. For example, responding to a question on social media about dental care demonstrates your attention and knowledge when it comes to building connections. You want to let people know you’re there to assist. On a friendlier note, tweets, Facebook likes and Instagram likes show support.

2. Attract New Clients

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People are extremely concerned about their health – and many individuals look to Google for assistance. Over half of individuals look to search engines to locate a dentist (55%). However, a separate poll found that 15% of people cited lack of availability as their No. 1 reason for avoiding going to the dentist.

When we spend money on a dentist, we’re not just buying a one-time item. Instead, we’re making a long-term commitment to someone we can trust to keep us looking and feeling our best. When your patients are looking for a new dentist, they’ll do their homework and you’ll have to be available.

In fact, 75% of respondents admitted to purchasing a product or service because they saw it on social media. If you use social media and post things that address your clients’ questions, you can become a more credible alternative for them.

3. Showcase Your Leadership

Finally, the viral nature of social media enables information about your business to quickly spread. You may begin to exhibit thought leadership by creating articles, filming videos, and distributing information that demonstrates your knowledge. For example, Imperial Dental promotes trust by showcasing experience and professionalism by sharing industry news on social media.

It’s difficult to trust businesses, but when you have evidence to support your claims, it makes all the difference. That’s why becoming a leader in the dental industry and showcasing it on social media not only attracts new patients, but also piques the interest of peers in your field.

Best Social Media Platforms for Dentist

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Now that we’ve covered the significance of social, it’s time to figure out where you’ll launch your campaign. There are a plethora of platforms on the market, and each one has the capacity to entice new patients. Some social networks, on the other hand, are better suited to dentists than others. Let’s look at the major networks and see which one works best for you.


Every day, millions of people visit Facebook, making it one of the most widespread platforms for dentists. You may use Facebook advertising to get a better understanding of client personalities and audience types, however you must first learn how to create exceptional customer personas and audience groups. Check out our tutorial below to get you started on a social media advertising campaign.

Because Facebook is a personal social network used by family and friends, it’s critical to understand and work with the Facebook algorithm. Use Facebook to develop strong, long-term connections with your audience by attempting one of these methods:

  • Sharing photos of your staff and customers, as well as any joyful clients
  • Linking to blog articles and news stories about your area
  • Providing practice updates, as well as soliciting client opinions
  • Running contests and special offers
  • Displaying a patient or team member from the previous month
  • Taking part in Facebook Live Q&A events
  • Providing dental advice and assisting with customer questions


Channels with a focus on imagery and video are frequently an obvious choice for dentists since they often rely on the visual appeal of their work to attract patients. With YouTube, dentists may use videos to help them develop a greater level of trust among their followers:

  • Q&A sessions or team interviews
  • Office tours
  • Patient testimonials
  • Dental tips
  • Demonstrations

Educational and amusing video information will help you develop a relationship of trust with your target audience. Video-based businesses receive 41 percent more web traffic than non-video companies.


Dentists can also take advantage of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to expand their customer base. It has a similar client base to Facebook. The difference is that you’ll post shorter, more focused messages on Twitter than on Facebook. When utilizing Twitter as a marketing tool for your dental advertisements, branded hashtag targeting is beneficial. Here are some examples of how to use Twitter as a marketing tool for your dental business:

  • Use hashtags that are relevant to your field, such as #TeethWhitening, to draw attention
  • Sharing content from industry peers on social media is a good idea
  • Live-tweeting dental conferences is a great way to get the word out
  • Responding to inquiries and concerns about dental treatment is an excellent method of public relations
  • Customer service queries should be handled


What do you think your patients’ first place to display their beautiful smiles after you’ve finished photographing them? Instagram is the ideal platform for showing off the confidence-boosting visual aspect of your practice, particularly if you specialize in cosmetic dentistry. Keep in mind that too many filters can make a photo look amateurish. Here are some examples of what dentists on Instagram might utilize:

  • Behind-the-scenes photos Reposting shots taken in the patient’s office of before and after pictures (with patient consent)
  • Promoting events
  • Organizing competitions for #BestSmile or similar activities
  • Running contests based on branded hashtags

Social Media Secrets for Dentists: Best Practices

It’s time to finish your social strategy once you’ve decided where to campaign. We’ll say it again, but knowing your target audience is the secret to any outstanding marketing effort.

Consider your USP, what you can provide to your clients, and the types of consumers you want to attract when developing user personas. Building user personas will assist you in determining not just where you should start your social media campaign, but also what sort of content you should offer.

Last but not least, don’t forget to use these last recommendations to increase awareness and secure your campaign:

1. Make the Most of Employee Advocacy

It makes perfect sense to tap into the influence of the individuals your patients interact with most: you. Your staff members reside in the same communities as your potential patients, they like your clinic and know how to contact them.

Using tools to manage and submit content on their own personal social networks lets your staff create and publish material on their own terms. This allows you to reach a larger audience while still providing your practice with a human element that your patients desire.

2. Be Personal, Not Clinical

Remember, your goal is to persuade clients that you provide a polished and pleasant experience. With this in mind, avoid being too clinical with your postings. Showing dramatic before and after photos that highlight your patients’ experiences is a fantastic method to add a personal touch to your campaigns. Ideally, your patient will show pictures to you and you’ll simply retweet or regram them.

Also, a strange joke or meme might go a long way toward demonstrating that you’re more than simply a teeth-cleaning machine to your consumers.

3. Share Engaging & Valuable Content

People come to dentists looking for everything they need to have a fantastic smile. This implies they want goods and services that will help them maintain their oral health, but it also implies that they want to learn what else they can do to avoid tooth problems. Give useful dental hygiene advice when posting on social media in order to demonstrate your expertise.

People who like what you have to say will be more inclined to share it with their friends and family if they find it helpful. As a result, your dental practice will get more activity.

According to a recent poll, 49% of respondents said they share content because they believe it is both educational and useful to others. You may also use content to demonstrate your industry expertise.

4. Engage With Your Audience

One of the most vital things to keep in mind when it comes to social media is that it’s all about connecting with your target audience. You don’t simply want to provide information for potential patients; you want to entice them to respond by posting material that gets them to click, comment, or share.

One of the most effective strategies to get your audience involved is to ask a question. Giving their thoughts on important issues is highly appreciated by people. Pose inquiries that are relevant to your patients’ oral health habits, and urge them to join in with a compelling call to action.

5. Make the Most of Live Video

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Live video is one of the most interesting social media trends right now. This technology is one of the greatest methods to engage your audience and build your reputation as a dentist. Video services like Instagram Stories and Facebook Live allow you to go beyond traditional dentist advertising and conduct real conversations with your followers.

6. Generate Reviews & Referrals

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Dentists may use online reviews, in addition to SEO and PPC marketing, to attract new patients. Around 90% of consumers are persuaded to buy goods or services after reading online reviews. The more testimonies you receive from happy patients, the more likely new clients are to feel confident in their decision to visit your practice.

If you’re having problems getting started, try offering discounts on office visits and dental hygiene goods or other things for people who provide feedback.

Using Social Media Marketing for Dentists

Like any marketing approach, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to be successful in the social media world as a dentist. However, if you can grasp the importance of developing a connection with your audience through social media, you may begin to build a brand that is more credible, trustworthy, and attractive for today’s patients.

You’ll look forward to an army of delighted patients who don’t dread going to the dentist if you can show them that they can trust you.

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