
Email Marketing For Yoga Studios

As yoga studio owners, they are always looking for cost-effective strategies to attract and keep new students. Maybe your most excellent marketing method is word of mouth, but you’ve decided to venture into digital marketing to take things a step further.

You’ve spent hours thinking about it and finally decided to start your website. First, however, you’re curious how to make it work for a yoga business largely depends on its customers’ lifetime value.

After all, every yoga instructor understands that to keep students interested in yoga, studios must form personal connections with them. People often regard any self-investment activity (such as taking a yoga class) as a pastime quite readily.

Why Is Email Marketing An Efficient Channel?

If you’re unconvinced that email is an effective marketing channel, perhaps these will:

It has the highest ROI

Four thousand two hundred percent return on investment is standard for online marketing. However, when you combine this statistic with other email marketing figures, it makes perfect sense:

  • In 2019, there were more than 3.9 billion email users on the planet, according to Statista, and this number is expected to reach 4.3 billion by 2023.
  • According to a recent webinar by Fiverr Research, 92% of consumers check their email daily.
  • Email marketing is 40% more effective than a Facebook page and Twitter at converting leads.
  • Consumers who participate in email discounts spend 138 percent more than those who do not.

It’s measurable

Many suitable email marketing platforms may provide various features to evaluate your efforts’ effectiveness.

Key email marketing metrics to track are:

  • Your delivery rate (or bounce rate). Knowing this may assist you in maintaining a clean email list. A high bounce rate (or low delivery rate) indicates that many of your emails are not delivered to inboxes. Make sure you have real emails in your list with an email validation tool.
  • Your open rate. Knowing this might help you target the right people and optimize your subject lines when emailing them. The average available rate for the wellness/fitness sector is 25.34 percent.
  • Your click-through rate. You should include CTA buttons with direct links to your website in every email you send to your subscribers. Knowing your CTR might assist you in optimizing your content. The average CTR for the health/fitness sector is 3.49 percent, which means anything below that is noteworthy and needs further investigation.

It has the most fantastic personalization features

Sending customized emails to your customers has never been so easy. It helps you log and then manage important subscriber information, like name, email, and preferences. Here are a few of the benefits of hiring or using most email software companies:



Segmenting is dividing your entire email list into various segments and sending them different emails based on their interests. This may boost your income by 58%.

You can categorize your list by geography, age, gender, job title, specific interests, engagement level, purchase status (have or have not), and purchasing frequency.

Sender and receiver’s names:

You may also use your name and email address rather than sending emails from a business name or email.

This slight change might improve your open rate. In addition, your message may be more personal if you address the person by their first name (instead of “Dear customer”).

Behavioral triggers:

You may send timely and customized emails to your subscribers after a specific activity using email marketing. These actions include filling out a form, viewing particular content on your website, engaging or not engaging with your emails, mentioning you or sharing your material on social media, and so forth.

It’s easily automated

It s easily automated

You may quickly create emails to be sent at specific times to specific people after a particular activity they performed. For example, you could build a sequence of messages sent at different intervals to new subscribers.

For our specific requirements, we employ email in two distinct ways. First, our ticketing system has a lot of automation, rules, and triggers that we may combine to transfer inquiries to the correct department and individual rapidly.

We also utilize our customized demo pages with contact forms from LiveAgent that are transferred, tagged, and then sorted to the best possible agent based on the prospect’s input fields.

We’re using a trial onboarding for most email marketing software, and depending on the person’s behavior, we’ll send follow-up emails or warm-up messages. We also utilize comeback campaigns to notify people that their trial period is ending. To deliver the most remarkable in-depth learning experience when someone signs up for our mailing list,

How Can Yoga Studios Use Email Marketing And Nurture Relationships?

Gyms, fitness centers, and Yoga studios were among the most popular industries during the epidemic. Unfortunately, they became a standard hotspot or virus amplifier due to their limited spaces, proximity to classmates and instructors, and increased breathing and sweating.

But this business has also been the most resilient and flexible. To stay in touch with their students, Online yoga studio and yoga teacher have utilized google meetings, zoom, skype, and even WhatsApp to expand globally and build a much more extensive network of students.

Yoga is one of those things that people tend to put off and quit frequently. However, yoga establishments understand that their success largely depends on developing good connections with their clients and keeping them. As a result, yoga studios strive to improve customer lifetime value (CLV).

Here are some types of emails that you can send to your students.

Welcome Email

Welcome Email

After you’ve sent a welcome email to your new subscribers, you may use this triggered email to remind them about it.

Email subscription offers are an excellent opportunity to create a new relationship with customers and build loyalty in the long term. By revealing your most up-to-date pricing, you can generate intrigue and entice people to subscribe shortly after receiving your email.

The email introduces the yoga instructor and what her mission is. It also gives a taste of their schedule and what the recipients should expect to receive from them. And finally invites the recipients to join their communities and start a conversation.

Follow-Up Email

Follow Up Email

After sending a thank-you note, you might send one more email to your customers as a follow-up. An excellent follow-up email would check in with your consumers again to see if the problem was resolved and whether they require further assistance.

The objective is to be of help and to strive for a positive client experience. For example, this is how an internet yoga company responds when someone signs up on their website but does not complete the payment process.


“An email newsletter is a person or company’s periodic email containing news, updates, and curated material from the subject you signed up for.”

A newsletter has three main goals:

  • Sending the brand back into people’s thoughts by sending them periodic emails.
  • Creating the sender’s authority in a given area.
  • Maintaining a stronger bond with the audience.

Determine the most essential and interesting information your audience should know, then send them timely emails with this information. It might be as critical as “The benefits of practicing Yoga” or as complex as case studies of your most successful students or interviews with well-known yoga instructors. You could also do a blog post with information about and benefits of yoga.


If you want to send many emails at once, your email deliverability must stay high. To make an informed choice about which platform to utilize, look into a top mass email marketing service that fits best for your yoga studio.

Purchase Receipt

Without a purchase receipt, your customer may believe that the transaction has not been completed or that they’ve been scammed.

Here’s what you should include in your purchase receipts emails:

  • Personal information of the customer, such as their name and shipping address
  • Purchases can be found in the order details. The order number, date, product, a picture from it, the quantity, price, tax, and other information are included.
  • If the product is physical, the delivery timeframe is estimated.

Promotions And Discounts

Promotions And Discounts

Promotional emails may be effective if they provide the appropriate offer to the recipient.

Here are some tips for sending the right promotional emails:

  • Have a robust lead generation system. Don’t pique people’s interest in signing up for your list. Let them know what to anticipate from the outset.
  • Personalize your emails. Modern email marketing solutions include advanced personalization elements such as segmentation and tailored emails.
  • Upsell and cross-sell. “Upsells and renewals contribute 70-95% of income, while the initial sale accounts for 5-30%,” as stated by Chatra. You may utilize various occasions to sell or cross-sell your items. For example, if a customer purchases access to your introductory yoga class, you might offer them one of your related physical products.

Reengagement Emails

Reengagement Emails

There are a few drawbacks to having many dormant subscribers on your list: first, you’re paying more to your email marketing provider since you’ll have a more extensive email list. Second, having many inactive subscribers over time may lead to an increase in spam scores. With the help of email marketing analytics, you could also see your engagement and progress.

To handle dormant subscribers, sending them re-engagement emails is the first step. If you don’t hear from them after a few messages, it’s time to delete them from your list. This is a sample of a re-engagement email.

Pro tip:

Most email software companies charge a fee for each contract, which goes up as your subscriber base grows. You could discover an unusual firm that does not charge for contacts with invalid email addresses, so you will always get the most bang for your buck from your subscription.

Replenishment/Subscription Reminder Emails

Users receive replenishment emails to remind them that their previous purchase is ending or has already run out.

A yoga school might use these emails to remind customers that their membership is about to expire. Again, it’s straightforward to send reminders through your email marketing platform.

Suppose you want to handle your subscription payments. In that case, several eCommerce platforms act as intermediaries between your products or services and the payment gateway, allowing you to bill and invoice clients regularly.

Feedback Emails

After a pleasant encounter, such as a successful purchase or a successful customer support resolution, you may send an email with feedback. Likewise, send an email after a great experience and ask them to spare a minute to share their experience with you.

Customers are happy to help you by filling in surveys here because they’re simple to read and don’t take long for your consumers to complete. Ben Aston points out that well-designed questionnaires have a favorable influence on your user experience as well.

Pro tip:

You must make it as simple as possible for your recipients to unsubscribe. Include a simple Unsubscribe link and ensure the unsubscription procedure is easy and quick. This will keep your email list healthy and meet the requirements of laws like CAN-SPAM.

What comes after email marketing?

You should now see the importance of email marketing in building customer loyalty and retention. Since yoga studios are primarily concerned with retaining existing clients by developing good relationships, email marketing appears ideal.

The question remains: what happens after a subscriber clicks on your email’s CTA? What is the experience of your subscribers when they visit your landing page? There are several elements that your landing page should include:

  • It shouldn’t take more than 3 seconds to load, especially on mobile devices. In 2019, 41.32 percent of online retail conversions occurred on a mobile device.
  • Make sure your website’s components (such as images, texts, menus, and so on) are optimized for mobile using a mobile-friendly responsive design. Cross-browser testing tools can help you identify and resolve issues on various devices and operating systems.
  • It’s essential to use images together with your text. Videos, for example, can boost landing page conversion rates by 80 percent.


Email marketing is a powerful technique that can help yoga studios build customer loyalty and retention. By creating engaging and targeted email campaigns, yoga studios can keep their subscribers engaged and coming back for more.

By following these email marketing for yoga studios tips, you can create successful email marketing campaigns to help you retain your existing clients and attract new ones.

See for yourself which email marketing strategy works for you and implement them to see results. But remember that these email marketing tips won’t work overnight, so be patient and consistent.

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