
Top 10 Social Media Marketing Ideas for Gym You Shouldn’t Miss


Social media allows you to get your business in front of your target audience. If you own a gym or are a personal trainer, social media may be the key to elevating your skills. Instructors such as Robin Arzón and gyms like Gold’s Gym all have one thing in common: they post on a regular basis.

Keeping your audience engaged is critical to growing your social media presence. There’s just one problem: ideas aren’t readily forthcoming. You can only post so many photos of people using your gym equipment before you run out of options. You’ll eventually need to offer them something interesting in order for them to continue following you on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram.

If you’ve already got your creative juices flowing, but need to spice up your material, a free InVideo account may be helpful. It will allow you to immediately improve the aesthetics of your films and gain some love from your audience. If you’re in a rut creatively, we’re going to share some gym social media post ideas right now.

Best Gym Social Media Post Ideas

One of the most essential components in a gym company’s marketing stack is social media. It allows you to engage with your target audience without having to deal with those who aren’t part of it. This is why gym owners should concentrate on making the greatest first impression possible through their social media posts to ensure they get it right on the money.

So let’s look at some gym social media post ideas you may use right now. 

1. Teach your audience how to use new equipment

Working out may be a drag at times. Introducing new equipment or varying the routine in certain ways might help to liven things up. This concept may also be used to educate your audience about how to use a piece of equipment in a different way or for the first time during the workout session. The Gym Group’s video does an excellent job with both its caption and video in this case.

2. Show your trainer’s chops with a short training video

By showing your trainers to your audience, you can develop a relationship with them since they now feel like they’re interacting with a real person rather than a company. Share footage of a trainer offering helpful training advice or directions with your audience.

The goal is to keep the video short and non-intimidating for your audience’s beginners. Rather than implying that workouts are more difficult, you want your brand’s image to be linked to making them easier.

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3. Show the “fun” side of gyms

Gym social media posts don’t always have to feature genuine people working towards fitness objectives on a treadmill. Showing your audience that individuals may have fun at the gym, especially if they’ve made new friends or go to the gym with old ones, shows that it isn’t only about hard work. For instance, notice how Retro Fitness reshares an exhilarating video of a group of friends enjoying their gym experience: 

It’s ideal not to include a lot of corporate branding in such films since you want them to seem more genuine. Color modifications, stickers, and animations may all be used to enhance its appeal while keeping it lighthearted.

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4. Give tips and address your audience’s pain points

You should definitely encourage folks to join the gym. You’re a business, and you need to meet payroll. However, offering solutions that don’t inherently necessitate a gym doesn’t have to be detrimental to your company.

Your goal with social media postings is to get your name out there and establish yourself as an expert so that people trust you with their fitness objectives. When your audience feels they’d want to join a gym, offering solutions to problems that your competitors aren’t discussing makes you top-of-mind for them.

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5. Create #relatable posts

Connectable items are amusing, witty pieces that appeal to a particular group’s common mood. These are often things that aren’t mentioned explicitly. Such content generally receives greater engagement and is therefore more shareable..

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6. Share a recipe

Broccoli isn’t a meal that you can keep eating every day. You’ll need some flavor, but flavor comes with calories. You could have some delectable recipes that are both delicious and guilt-free as a gym owner or personal trainer, so why not share the knowhow and offer your readers an exquisite supper to enjoy after work?

If you’re searching for a gym social media post idea to share a recipe, start with a bowl and a clean table. Once you’ve gathered everything, set it up where you can grab it easily, then begin filming. Try not to spill anything while recording the recipe.

After you’ve recorded the video, use an easy-to-use video editor like to enhance it quickly. You’ll almost certainly need to cut a large portion of the film. If you’re not talking throughout the film, consider including background music to help your video flow.

7. Before and after posts

When a gym’s account posts before and after photos as an indirect and more visual type of testimonial, it works as social proof that the trainers at the club are capable of assisting clients in reaching their fitness objectives. The more individuals you’re able to help achieve their fitness goals, the larger your account will be based on before and after photos.

If you’ve aided others in achieving their goals, get in touch with them and request a before-and-after photo. You may encourage them to make the picture available through their account and then reshare it, or you can reshare it immediately on your own account.

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8. Everyone loves a little comedy

Don’t stick to memes. With clever videos, visual platforms provide you a lot of leeway to make your audience chuckle. If you’ve got a concept tucked away on the creative side of your brain, let it out and start filming. Before you get started on this concept, though, it’s always worth asking a few pals to see if it’s actually funny or if it’s just amusing in your head.

To put this concept into action, you’ll need to come up with a joke or a short plot for the comedy video. You may always take inspiration from what you see elsewhere, but don’t copy anything.

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9. Share motivational posts

For others, especially those who are exercising, consistency is more difficult. You should, as a fitness brand, strive to inspire your audience from time to time with comments, examples, or stories from previous members that can help people’s willpower burn on their goals.

If you want to add some motivational content to your list of gym social media post ideas, start by finding people who are willing to share their inspirational tales with your audience. You don’t need a one-hour interview. Simply ask them to summarize their difficulties and how they kept going when things got tough.

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10. Showcase Testimonials

Users like star ratings, text, and static images for testimonials. This is fantastic. When it comes to testimonies, however, video is much more effective. It allows your viewers to form a stronger emotional bond with one another. But the most important aspect of a video testimonial is to avoid using a script. A prepared testimonial will be obvious to your audience, therefore let the gym member express their thoughts honestly since you may always modify the footage later if necessary.

Wrapping Up

Gyms and personal trainers may use social media to conduct major scale interactions with their target audience. You’ll be able to develop your gym’s social media account quickly by posting relevant, high-quality material on a regular basis.

However, there are a few things to consider. First, social media platforms alter their algorithm from time to time. A change in the algorithm might necessitate a shift in strategy and temporarily lower your interaction statistics. You’ll want to stay up with the modifications in the algorithm and other tools so you can make a fast decision if necessary.

Another common reason for a drop in consistency is a lack of ideas. You may use this guide as an inspiration or a resource for when you need some ideas. However, you should be careful not to sacrifice quality just to keep your postings consistent. Don’t share low-resolution videos or photos that have been poorly edited. Instead, look for different methods to save time, such as by utilizing the proper set of tools.

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